About us

My name is Nissangh Mohan Babu. I am living in California, USA, and in middle school and I created a website called Virtual Zoo Live which features live cams from different zoos and aquariums around the world. This website has many animals from zoos and aquariums shown on live cameras. You can search by the animals or the country with a zoo. You can also search for a country that has an aquarium. In the Live Cams area, you can find all zoos and aquariums from different countries that feature different animals.

Growing up, I am passionate about animals and I always loved visiting zoos and aquariums. Whenever I wanted to go somewhere, it was always a zoo, wildlife park, or aquarium. But when the pandemic came and the lockdown was forced, I could not go to the zoos or aquariums I loved seeing. I felt very bored during the lockdown and I always wanted to visit a zoo or aquarium. Now that the pandemic was almost over, I wanted not to make people feel bored when the next pandemic comes and lockdown is forced so I built this website.

I love learning about animals big and small. I also made a Youtube channel called The Tiger Twins which has animal-based learning to help kids. I am also wanting to support the work that the conservation efforts are doing to help save elephants, tigers, and many other endangered species. Imagine a world without animals. The real fact is that these animals are keystone species that help control another animals population and help spread plants. Elephants eat the fruit along with the seeds and then disperse them through waste. This helps more trees grow. When tigers and lions eat other animals like deer or warthogs, they help control the population of these animals.